Don't stop me! Let me masturbate!

Not all desires need to be released towards others; within desire lie the cravings, fantasies, emotions, and energies of a person, which you can allow to blossom and circulate within your own body through masturbation.

When you immerse yourself in the moment of masturbation, you can imagine your lover watching you with eyes full of desire, caressing your skin with their gaze, your hair, your ears, your delicate curves.

No intense movements or words are needed, just feel and savor slowly, as if you were dancing a slow, sensual dance under candlelight.

Can't you still fully accept and enjoy masturbation today, feeling some kind of reservation?

For example, thinking that masturbation is still something to be ashamed of, especially after doing it, or worrying that masturbation could affect the body, reducing the orgasm threshold...

Today, I want to talk in detail with you about masturbation, resolve some common doubts, understand a bit more, feel a little less shame.

Masturbation is common and should not be a source of shame

When you think that only you are performing this "hard to mention" act of masturbation, in reality, many people are doing the same as you.

Sexologist Kinsey conducted a survey on female masturbation, and the results showed:

Among women aged 20-24, 64% had practiced masturbation in the last year;

Among women aged 25-29, 71.5% had practiced masturbation in the last year;

Among women aged 40-49, 65% had practiced masturbation in the last year.

Another survey showed that even among women aged 60-69, there is still a third who practice masturbation.

So don't worry, you are just one more within a large group of people who masturbate. Only, because masturbation is so charged with personal privacy, many people choose not to talk about it.

Some women feel very happy after their first masturbation experience, but at the same time, they also think it's something shameful and bad.

Of course, it is not.

The famous American gynecologist Dr. Hackett Trowbridge has said:

Among all sexual practices, masturbation remains one of the most difficult topics to discuss publicly, but it is a form of universal and normal sexual expression, practiced by almost everyone.

Even, for many women, masturbation is the only way to experience an orgasm.

Masturbation is something normal, just as some people find great comfort in stroking their hair or massaging their stomach, masturbation is obtaining pleasure through affection towards the sensitive parts of the body.

Either way, masturbation is a way to obtain pleasure for our body, why shouldn't it be allowed? What should we be ashamed of?

The many benefits of masturbation

First, of course, is to enjoy a wonderful orgasm and obtain maximum pleasure. In fact, many women have a higher chance of reaching orgasm through masturbation than through intercourse. With the correct technique, all women can reach orgasm through masturbation.

Secondly, masturbation can also cure diseases. Yes, you heard right. The president of the Taiwan Sexual Education Association and gynecologist, Zheng Chengjie, noted that if women cannot relieve their desires for a long time, they can suffer from venous congestion, leading to "chronic pelvic congestion syndrome".

This disease is characterized by "chronic pain in the lower abdomen, which worsens the longer you stand" and commonly occurs in women who cannot satisfy their desires in the long term. Appropriate DIY can solve the phenomenon of pelvic congestion.

Of course, besides orgasm and healing, DIY can also relieve stress and improve sleep.

After masturbation, oxytocin and prolactin are released, which can help our body to relax and suppress the hormones that cause anxiety, which in turn helps to sleep.

In fact, studies have shown that 32% of women find that masturbation helps them sleep better.

Masturbation can also strengthen the muscles of the uterus and anus, etc. It helps women to control their orgasms more freely and get closer to the secrets of their body.

Can you masturbate during menstruation?

Many women notice that their desire is stronger during menstruation, so the question arises, can you masturbate during menstruation?

There is no standard answer to this, it varies from person to person. Some say that masturbation during menstruation brings them even greater pleasure. Others do not notice much difference or cannot accept it.

According to a study by the University of Chicago, a part of women, in fact, feels a stronger desire during menstruation.

Indeed, it is essential to perform proper hand cleaning, preferably using thimbles to prevent infections, and if you use other auxiliary toys, you must also ensure they are properly disinfected.

Can masturbation be excessive?

Excessive? I've always had reservations about this term, because your body will know.

First, masturbation is similar to eating, you stop eating when you're full. Because the stomach is full and naturally you can't eat more.

Second, there are differences between people, and the standard of moderation also varies from one person to another: some have stronger desires, while others not so much; some have periods of high frequency of masturbation, and then periods of little interest.

Therefore, whether it's masturbation or relationships with a partner, the frequency varies from person to person, from time to time, and there is no "grade" that applies to everyone.

In general, the measure standard is:

As long as you really masturbate because you physically want it, and it's not compulsive masturbation, and it doesn't interfere with your normal life, studies or work, then there's no problem.

Of course, if your body does not have desires and it's purely out of loneliness, emptiness or boredom that you want to masturbate, without a doubt you're exhausting your body with compulsive masturbation.