Vibrators were once medical devices?!

Marvin Gaye's song "Sexual Healing" embodies an ancient idea in his irresistibly
smooth manner: sex can heal. While a musical genius brought this brilliant message
to the masses, the concept dates back thousands of years. The pinnacle of
medicine's invasion into the bedroom occurred in the Victorian era of the 19th
century, where women were encouraged to masturbate (by doctors) while male
masturbation was vehemently condemned. However, our complex medical
relationship with this most intimate act traces back even further to stories on the
hills of ancient Greece.

Sexual Healing: A Cure-Al

Melampus, a popular healer in ancient Greek mythology, was summoned by the rulerof Argos during a peculiar crisis: all the city's virgins refused to participate in areligious ceremony and madly fled to the mountains. Melampus assured, "Noworries, found the runaway virgins, and subdued them with sneezewort. He thenencouraged them to have sex with the robust men of Greece, claiming it would maketheir bodies healthier. His outrageous suggestion was heeded and proved effective,the women found their restlessness cured after intercourse with the stalwart Greekwarriors. They returned to the city and resumed their lives in Argos.

This tale is one of the earliest records of female hysteria (a male invention) inWestern civilization, suggesting that women could become frantic from a lack of sex.The term "hysteria" wasn't coined until the 19th century, but Hippocrates wroteextensively about it, attributing nearly all female health issues to a "wanderingwomb" and proclaiming that sex could cure all women's diseases. Once satisfiedsexually, the womb wouldn't wander, and the woman wouldn't fall ill. Pregnancy wasan added bonus, but only for married women, virgins, widows, and single women hadto figure things out on their own. Hippocrates also believed that sex would widen awoman's birth canal, making her body cleaner and healthier, a notion somewhatsupported by modern research indicating that women with wider birth canalsexperience less menstrual pain. In short, Hippocrates advocated for women to marryand enjoy an active sex life for good health.

However, many doctors, like the ancient Greek Soranus and the Roman Galen,advocated for celibacy to maintain female health, highlighting the male-dominatedperspective in the medical field. lt took a millennium before women couldindependently draw concusions about sexual health. The first female doctor inmedieval Europe, Trotula of Salerno, emerged in the 11th century in ltaly, marking asignificant shift. Trotula was the first to write that "diseases of a sexual nature aresomewhat private for women and not suitable to discuss with male doctors who areaccustomed to dominating everything." She considered celibacy a cause of illnessand encouraged married women to have an active sex life, also recommending muskoil and mint to alleviate sexual desire.

The Vibrator: Past and Present

The concept of female hysteria peaked during the Victorian era, with varioussymptoms in women, including fatigue, anxiety, and mild depression, diagnosed ashysteria.The number ofhysteria diagnoses surged in the latter half of the 19thcentury, with hydrotherapist Russell Trall boldly claiming that 75% of Americanwomen suffered from it. The treatment? A vigorous "pelvic massage" to induce a"hysterical paroxysm.

Some historians believe that female patients were indeed prescribed genitalmassage by their male doctors to achieve orgasm during this period. You might thinkthis a fabrication filled with Freudian sexual innuendo, but doctors considered theirpelvic massage" devoid of sexual connotations, much to their annoyance. Doctorscomplained about the difficulty of mastering the correct massage technique and thetime it took to bring a patient to orgasm. Exhausted doctors reported that asuccessful massage could take about an hour, causing them "wrist pain. Howeveran important invention was about to liberate them: the electric vibrator.
Invented by Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville at the end of the 19th century the vibratolweighed 40 pounds and consisted of a wet battery and a small accessory called avibrating wand." This tool reduced the time needed to bring a female patient toorgasm from 60 minutes to 5 minutes.

Doctors were unaware that this invention would soon make their massage therapyobsolete. As vibrators became smaller and more portable, small workshops quickhemerged, and home-use vibrators became popular in the market. Soon, in the early20th century, modem women could order a personal vibrator from the Sears catalocfor a few dollars, a much better option than paying a doctor. Consequently, doctorssoon stopped offering pelvic massages. The vibrator, strictly used as a medicaldevice, was also tarnished by early 20th-century pornographic flms that introduced its non-medical uses to audiences, ending the view of the vibrator as just anotheimedical instrument. Vibrators firmly transitioned into the array of sex toys.

Other Sexual Gadgets

Vibrators were not the only sexual toys on the market. In the 1890s, advertisementsfor "Dr. Young's ldeal Rectal Dilators"" began appearing in medical joumals. Made ofrubber and available in a set of four sizes ranging from 0.5 inches to 4 inches indiameter, these dilators were essentially Victorian-era anal masturbatorsmasquerading as medical devices. The advertisements claimed that the dilatorswere particularly effective for treating chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. Dr.Young's ldeal Rectal Dilators were sold from the late 19th century until the 1940swhen the manufacturing company sought to expand beyond the dilators' supposedconstipation-curing function. They boldly added a series of purported health benefitsto the packaging, claiming the dilators could cure everything from bad breath to tastedisorders. The instruction manual audaciously stated: "Don't forget to use yourdilator... without fear of using it too much."

The FDA disagreed, pointing out that the advertisements' claims of permanentlycuring constipation and hemorrhoids were inaccurate. in fact, dilators were the lastthing you'd want to use during a hemorrhoid flare-up. The FDA also considered that ifthe dilators were used too frequently or for too long, they could endanger health. Theinventory was eventually destroyed, and Dr. Young's ldeal Rectal Dilators werediscontinued.

Orgone Box: Filled with Positive Energy

Not long after the decline of rectal dilators, a psychologist with his captivatingphilosophy on "sexual energy" influenced Western culture: Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Heproposed a complex theory around a cosmic life force he called "orgone." Hebelieved orgone existed within all living objects and that many diseases arose fromblocked or insufficient orgone flow. The best method to obtain and share orgone?Sexual activity.

Reich's theory didn't make waves among the conservatives. However, it caused asensation among the rising counterculture movements in post-World War ll AmericaThe Beat Generation enthusiastically embraced his ideas, especially his orgone box.Essentially a large, empty box, one could stand or sit inside for hours at a time. Thewalls were layered with organic and inorganic materials, purportedly to accumulateorgone within the box. Simply sitting in the orgone box for a few hours was said to replenish one's orgone reserves, thus revitalizing the individual. This was evidently agreat way to accumulate sexual energy (i.e., raise orgone levels), with prolongedsitting in the orgone box allowing orgone to reflect back into the body, building upsexual desire.

Ultimately, Reich's health-beneficial orgone box attracted the FDA's ire and led to afederal ban on the sale of orgone boxes. Reich was jailed for continuing to distributehis research and products across state lines, and most of his orgone-related workwas destroyed.

Sexual Health Benefits

Even if you can't find an orgone box, doctors have long clarified that a healthy sexlifehas tremendous benefits for the body. You don't need to sit in a box for hours to raiseyour orgone levels, regular sexual activity can boost the immune system, lower bloodpressure, improve sleep, and relieve stress. So, grab your vibrator, put on MarvinGaye's song, and get started!